Option Builder for Binary Options

Online Trading » Binary Options » Option Builder for Binary Options
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As we have often mentioned in our articles, there are several different types of binary options; each Broker has its own offer, that varies from Broker to Broker. This means that some Brokers will offer you some types of binary options, while others do not. For this reason, knowing all the types of Binary Options is very important, so that you will be able to decide at which Broker you want to register.


We will analyse the various types of binary options available; in this article we are going to analyse the “Option Builder”.

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Option Builder


More than a type of Binary Option, is a “tool” that not all the Brokers offer. Through the Option Builder you can “build” your Binary Option, step by step: not only you will choose the asset, type of Binary Option and Expiry Time, but also the “Risk” factor. With the “Risk” Factor you can set a return (From the 10% up to 20% usually) on your investment in case that your prediction was wrong; thanks to this, you will not lose all your money but you will have a part of them back (For example on an investment of 100 euro, can be of 10 or 20 euro). Of course the higher the return is, the lower the Payout is: for example, normally with a return of 20% the Payout should be of 65% of your investment (But it varies from Broker to Broker). As you can see, the Option Builder has its Pros and Cons, but is a very useful tool especially for the Novice Traders.

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