Challenges of working from home and how to overcome them

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You’re at a BBQ celebrating a birthday and inevitably some new friends begin talking about work. Once they hear you work from home, everyone gushes about how that would be their dream. Working from home does have its benefits, but unfortunately, it also comes with drawbacks. Don’t let that stand in the way of enjoying your success. Here are some challenges associated with working from home and ways to overcome them.

Missing out on the office social life 

When you worked 9-5 in your office job, did you spend coffee breaks gathered around the water cooler, chatting with co-workers? Working on your own can sometimes mean less time socializing. While your productivity may go up, its important to take regular breaks throughout the day to rest your mind from the often intense tasks involved in organizing your own work schedule.

Be sure to get out into the world while you work. Get adventurous and find a favorite coffee shop in a new neighborhood. Ask the barista what makes the area great. Did you old office have a sports team you enjoyed playing on? Sign up for community teams to keep that spirit of camaraderie alive. There are plenty of opportunities to interact with people on a regular basis, make sure you put in the effort to maintain a healthy social life while working from home.


Maintaining your weight 

When working from home it can get easy to slip into a sedentary life. Gone are the days of walking to your favorite lunch place with co-workers. It’s easy to skip the gym when it isn’t on your way home after work. 

There are plenty of ways to create weight loss in your life. Working from home doesn’t mean you have to give up. There are plenty of affordable options out there. You can even enroll in a $5 online nutrition course from Nutrition Cube.


Being your own office manager

You’re a disciplined go-getter, you wouldn’t be working from home if you weren’t, yet success in the major area of your work life doesn’t necessarily translate to all areas. When it comes to being your own office manager, consider the 90/10 rule. Ninety per cent of your energy should be put into your day-to-day tasks, and ten per cent to completing those necessary tasks like cleaning your home office and buying pens.

Working from home can be rewarding and empowering, so make sure to equip yourself with the skills necessary to get over any hurdles that might come your way.

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